Thursday, May 12, 2011

I'm still alive and working on music!!

This is just to let you know (whomever you may be) that I have NOT fallen into a pit without musical instruments and that I am still writing songs and the challenge is NOT OVER! I'm in the middle of a very stressful and complicated cross-country move and have had to delay the recording of new songs until I reach my new/old home. This doesn't mean I haven't been writing (I have) but with my life upside down and being shoved into boxes it has just been impossible to devote the time I need to make decent recordings. When my life gets back into some form of order I will make up for the missing weeks and continue with the set year-long time frame. In the future no one will know of this delay (well no one but you, but you won't tell anyone, will you??) as I plan on listing the release dates for the songs in the every Tuesday sequence I had started. There are more songs online that I haven't gotten around to writing blogs about but that shouldn't stop you from listening. As always just visit my bandcamp site for instant listening/download access to all of my songs created for this "Single-A-Week Challenge". Please continue to let me know what you think about the songs/recordings right here or by shooting me a message at this electronic mail address . Thank you dear reader/listener for your support/understanding/good looks/ability to click on the ads on this blog page! Please click on the ads, it will cost you nothing but give me a few penny fractions which I so desperately need. I'll report back soon and with new music!


1 comment:

  1. Heard the Week 11 tracks(Paddys Day issue), and REALLY enjoyed it! Had to purchase them, and load them to my player!! See if you can spot my St. Patricks Day-inspired purchase price among the downloads :)
    Great work, Michael...keep 'em comin'!!
